Friday, October 14, 2022

Rewriting History, Pilate (Part 2)


Rewriting History, Pilate (Part 2)

Brett A. Todd

Did Pilate actually wash his hands and tell the crowd he was innocent of Jesus' blood?  

It is interesting how easy it is to believe that everything in the Bible must have happened, because, of course, it is in the Bible.  But as we have shown in the past, not everything in the Bible is a historical fact.  It may be true that in the Bible it says that someone said this or that or did this or that, but this does not mean that they really did.  Ancient authors were notorious for spicing up a story just like modern authors today.  The story of Pilate washing his hands and saying he was innocent of Jesus’ blood is just one example of an ancient author creating his own history by spicing up the story.

The reason for historians finding this story of Pilate historically unreliable is pretty simple and clear:

1) Although the story of Jesus before Pilate is found in all four Gospels, only Matthew mentions that Pilate washed his hands and said, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves” (Matthew 27:24). If such important and “historical” actions occurred and these words were said, then why didn’t the other Gospel record them in their stories as well.
2) Not only are these words and actions of Pilate not found in the other three Gospels (Mark, Luke, and John), but they do not appear in any other Roman or Jewish historical record.  
3) Lastly, these words and actions as recorded by Matthew do not fit the character of Pilate. Simply stated, Pilate was not a peace-loving ruler in any fashion of the word.  Instead, Pilate was a ruthless ruler (a Roman Prefect) who had little patience for such a man as Jesus who Pilate believed set himself up as a king in direct opposition to the emperor of Rome.  This is how Philo of Alexandria describes Pilate, he said Pilate was “naturally inflexible” (Philo, Legatio).  According to F. F Bruce, his rule was offensive and actively aggressive toward the Jews.  Keeping with Pilate's character, the Gospel of Luke describes one of Pilate’s attacks on the Jews, this way, Luke 13:1, “At that very time there was some present who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.” in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Toward the end of his rule, Pilate was ordered back to Rome by the emperor to stand trial for his cruelty and oppression of the Jews.  Pilate was anything but a nice guy.

For historians, it is highly improbable that Pilate ever washed his hands or told the Jewish crowd that he was innocent of Jesus' blood.  More than likely, Pilate’s decision to crucify Jesus was swift, and yes, merciless. 

In our next lesson, we will discuss the early church’s view of women in the church and around the world.  For example, did the Apostle Paul really believe that women were supposed to be silent in the church?  Are all women at fault because Eve was deceived by Satan? This will be a two-part series.

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