Mark 1:41: Why Did Jesus Get Angry At The Leper?
Brett A. Todd
In our last article, we discussed whether Jesus was angry or compassionate at the leper who approached him for healing. In short, more than likely, the original reading of Mark was that Jesus was angry at the leper. But why did Jesus get angry?
Some have suggested that Jesus was angry at the sinful condition of the world or maybe even angry at the devil. Still others, Jesus, with his foreknowledge, knew that this leper was going to broadcast his healing even though Jesus would tell that man not to tell anyone. Still others, and I think this one gets closer to the correct answer, have suggested the reason Jesus was angry was that he was tired of people asking him if he was willing to heal them. In other words, Jesus was tired and wanted the people to give him a break.
Though the above answers are pretty creative, I think a better answer would be that Jesus was angry because of the leper’s lack of faith and probably because of the lack of faith among so many people, even his disciples. You may recall the story in Matthew 8:23-27, where Jesus and his disciples were on the boat and a storm swept through and the disciples thought they were going to die. Jesus’ answer to his disciples is interesting, “Why are you afraid, you of little faith?” Oh, ye of little faith!!!
In another story, Mark 9:14-29, a man comes to Jesus for help for his son who is possessed by an evil spirit. This young boy has foam running out of his mouth, rolls on the ground, and the demons throw him into the fire and the water trying to kill the young boy. It is indeed quite the spectacle. Then the father asked Jesus, verse 22 “are able to do anything, help us!?” Jesus says to the man, verse 23, “If you are able! All things can be done for the one who believes.” The father’s reply is interesting, verse 24 “I believe; help my unbelief!” So many of the stories of Jesus' ministry are about one’s having faith or the lack thereof. So it is it true in the story of Jesus who became angry at the leper. Everywhere Jesus went, there were those who questioned Jesus' ability to heal and to bring freedom into people’s lives.
Jesus was on a mission and his mission was to heal and deliver those people who were not only sick and possessed by evil spirits, but also restricted from God’s kingdom. Remember, those who were possessed by evil spirits or had such illnesses as leprosy could not enter the Temple in Jerusalem which represented God’s kingdom. Jesus' ministry was not about making people feel better, it was about getting people into the kingdom of God. That is why the Bible says, “Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness” (Matthew 9:35).
In our next study, we will ask the question, “Was Jesus married.”
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