Sunday, February 6, 2022

Homosexuality And Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9 (Part 3)

 Homosexuality And Romans 1:26-27;

1 Corinthians 6:9 (Part 3)

Brett A. Todd

“You mention that part of Paul’s disapproval of homosexual activity was toward men who became passive recipients in sexual intercourse, it seems to me that this is a strong indication of how Paul would feel toward male homosexual activity today?”  

I think this is a fair question.  So, let us take a look at this thought for a few minutes.

Honestly, we don’t know how Paul would react toward modern homosexuality. So, our answer would have to be, maybe, maybe not.  Remember, Paul, lived nearly 2000 years ago. It was a different time, and a different culture, where women were condemned for speaking in the church (1 Corinthians 14:34), not properly wearing headdresses (1 Cor 11:5-6), and for not submitting to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22). It was a time when couples were strongly encouraged not get married, but to stay single (they expected Jesus to return within a few years (1 Thessalonians). And of course, we could continue to add to this list of dos and don’ts of differences from today’s standards of ethics in the church (In another article, we will discuss the topic of marriage and remarriage).

Historically, yes, there is a “maybe, maybe not” to this question.  If Paul would have been placed in an H. G. Wells’ time travel machine, or if Paul would have touched the fictitious Callanish stone in Craigh na Dun, in Scotland, and appeared here in the 21st Century, he may have condemned the practice of homosexual activity between two men. But remember, his condemnation would be based on what he understood from his culture, 2000 years ago, and not what our modern society would call a committed relationship between two adult men or two adult women.  Paul would have had no idea what we mean by sexual identity and orientation.

It is also possible, however, once Paul saw and understood what modern society calls a committed and non-abusive relationship between two men or two women, he might be supportive.  But we don’t know.  As one can see, all of this speculation is not helpful and can become very disingenuous. 

Personally, I’m not 100 percent beholden to everything Paul said, he was a man and only a man who most of our churches would not have had the time of day for. However, I do believe Paul got it right in regards to Romans 1:26-27, I too condemn any and all abusive and oppressive relationships, whether it is between straight or gay couples.

In our next article, I want to address the term “homosexuality” by asking the question, does the Bible ever use the word “homosexual”?

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